
New Zealand and Japan

The biggest same point between New Zealand and Japan is Island country. Therefore, there are many point that we can compare Japan and New Zealand.
The longest river is Waikato in the North Island. The length is 425 KM/264 miles. This is like Shinano River(Chikuma river) in point of the largest river in the country. This river is 367KM. Lake Taupo on North Island is the largest lake. This has 607 sq KM/235 sq miles. This is like “Lake Biwa” in Shiga prefecture and has about 670 sq KM. If you know more about Lake Taupo, please check this site. Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and the highest point is 3776m. New Zealand’s highest mountain is Mt. Cook’(Aoraki in Maori) and 3754m. This mountain is on South Island. This site is good to watch Mt.Cook from sky.
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2 件のコメント:

miyu-x さんのコメント...

New Zealand and Japan have similar points, so I think they are popular with each other. I think it is interting.

mayuko さんのコメント...

The pictures you pasted are very beautiful. I recognize New Zealand has a lot of nature again. I want to see them with my own eyes!